About the Universidad de Montevideo

About UM


The Universidad de Montevideo is a university with a Christian identity open to all faiths and beliefs. The University is inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of the Roman Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei, which includes the value of work ethics, the spirit of service, the love for liberty and the promotion of family values. These principles are promoted within an environment of peace and respect. 


The Universidad de Montevideo (UM) is committed to academic excellence, research, technological innovation and social responsibility. Its objectives include promoting a strong work ethic and cultivating a desire to serve society. It bases its intellectual endeavors on a transcendental perspective of a person, committed to the search for truth.  


The Universidad de Montevideo seeks to be a university committed to serve society, in which each person faces challenges in their academic, professional, human and spiritual life. The University aspires to excellence amongst students, teachers and staff, while it encourages research and promotes international outlook. 

The Universidad de Montevideo was launched in 1986 as the Instituto de Estudios Empresariales de Montevideo (IEEM) in the Uruguayan Stock Exchange building. The institute was a pioneer in offering Master´s Degree Programs in Business Law, International Trade Law, and Economic Administrative Law in Uruguay. In 1992, the IEEM Business School launched a Master´s Degree Program in Business Administration. 

Legally established as a non-profit organization, IEEM was authorized to operate as a private university when the Uruguayan government issued the decree 308/995, which established the requirements for the authorization and career recognition of private universities. Since then, the UM has grown and developed a solid national and international reputation based on its rigorous educational programs, renowned faculty, insightful publications and in-depth research projects. 

In 1995, the University introduced the first undergraduate degree in Business Administration. Today the Universidad de Montevideo offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within five Schools, the IEEM Business School and the Center for Biomedical Science.  

The Universidad de Montevideo has incorporated sustainability as a core tenet regarding campus management. This commitment has materialized in various sustainability initiatives and, precisely, the relocation of the School of Engineering in the area of LATU, the first sustainable technological ecosystem in Uruguay.
It has developed some fields of action such as reducing CO2 emissions in facilities by using efficient, clean energy when available and optimizing the time that space occupied with class demanding light and cooling or heating systems.

The University promotes the responsible use of water, electricity, paper, plastic, and other disposable products. It is committed to raising community and suppliers' awareness about the relevance of the SDGs Developing practices consistent with the '4Rs' (Rethink, Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle).

2097 María Luisa Saldún de Rodriguez Ave. 

According to the University's Statutes, the Universidad de Montevideo is governed by the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board.  

In addition, there is an Academic Board composed of the Rector, members of the Executive Board, two members appointed by the Board of Trustees, and deans of the schools and centers. It meets at least once a quarter and, in addition to its statutory powers, serves as a forum for sharing experiences and deliberating on the main strategic lines of governance. 

The Rector´s Office  

The Executive Board is chaired by Interim Rector Enrique Etchevarren, who, along with the Executive Board, play a crucial role in developing and implementing the university’s strategy and plans. The Executive Board makes decisions on strategic, academic, and organizational matters. 

It is comprised of the following: 

Provost (Academic Secretary)
General Administrator  
Counselor 1 (this term, Director of International Affairs)  
Counselor 2 (this term, a member of the School of Business and Economics)

Interim Rector
Enrique Etchevarren

​Enrique Etchevarren 

General Administrator 
Diego Moreira 

School of Business Administration & Economics 
Dean: Alejandro Cid 
Vice Dean: Mercedes Rovira

School of Communications 
Dean: Álvaro Pérez 

School of Law 
Dean: Miguel Casanova

School of Humanities & Education 
Dean: Francisco O'Reilly

School of Engineering 
Dean: Martin Tanco

IEEM Business School 
Dean: Gerardo Beramendi

Center for Biomedical Science 
Director: Nicolás Nin
Deputy Director: Patricia Schroeder

Director of International Affairs 
Luisa Peirano 

Legal Advisor 
Marcelo Sheppard  

Director of Admissions 
María José Frontini 

Communications Manager 
Florencia Berruti

Initium (Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation)
Pablo Pereira

University Library and Center for Iberoamerican Studies - CEDEI
Fernando Aguerre

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